Design method using variable bioink based on microorganism-specific movements.

Long description

In recent years, interest in biodesign has been increasing in the fields of circular
design and materials design.This trend is based on the search for natural materials
in research and development that utilizes biological functions acquired by nature
for the survival of living things. In particular, in the context of design, we be-
lieve that brand elements place an important value. However, existing challenges
include controlling biological behavior, assessing material value, and conducting
biological experiments. These challenges include establishing a framework design,
addressing communication gaps between various life forms and humans, and ad-
dressing ethical concerns associated with biomaterials. ,We set out to create a
development tool for applying biomaterials, and clarified its positioning and con-
ceptualization.We also used three different types of bacteria and discussed bioinks
in this paper.Bioinks After proposing an extension of expression, we introduced
software that allows designers and artists to incorporate biological experiments
into their creative expressions. The purpose of this research is to experiment and
explore the new expressive value of bioink for designers and artists.

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