Bringing circular, open-source, and fair labour standards to the solar industry and market through fully circular solar panels.

Long description

Photovoltaics is the energy source of the future. But the use of solar panels and their inability to be repaired or recycled is creating a massive waste stream. Biosphere Solar is a global collective developing a fair and circular solar panel. We are setting new design standard for the solar industry, making circularity and transparency the norm. Our modular PV module design allows dissassembly and therefore repair or refurbishment, it can be upgraded with new technology, and it can be recycled at high value at its end-of-life. The hardware we develop is open-source, enabling standardisation and collaboration in the concepts developed to make fair and circular solar a reality. In our production, we strive to avoid human rights violations by working with sustainable and responsible suppliers.

At the moment, we have developed a minimum viable product, and are going towards developing a more widely acceptable read-to-market product.

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