Using biotechnology to create organic textile material from biowaste with minimum necessities,expenses, pollution for a sustainable textile industry.

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Biotton aims to create alternative organic,cellulose based textile materials from biowaste. Working with our partners to reduce the pollution caused by the textile and fashion industry.The standards management is taking, currently used clothing materials is not meeting the expectations. We are all aware of the damage made by inorganic plastic based fabric.Even though organic cotton is not sustainable either, sources that are used for farming cotton lead to air pollution, water scarcity, soil degradation,erosion ,greenhouse gas emission,usage of toxins threaten human health and wildlife. Our current choice of biowaste is corn cub that will provide a high amount of cellulose.With companies,design brands, furniture organisations,shoe manufacturers,etc that are looking for a sustainable , more circular solution will collaborate with us to make common profit.Quality of our product will be supported and developed by biotechnology for better materials.

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