Captain Fanplastic turns youth into friendly pirates that understand the impact and value of plastic. #NoTrashBuTreasure

Long description

Captain Fanplastic (watch video) raises environmental literacy that drives behavioural change in order to connect youth more to their environment, prevent plastic pollution and manage waste better.

Our experiential education uses storytelling, gamification, technology and outdoor action to help youth contribute to the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (11, 12, 13 & 14). The aim is to tackle plastic pollution at the very source by positively changing human behaviour.

Our activities can be subdivided as following:

  1. School Programme – Facilitating our module at a public schools
  2. School Challenges – Challenging schools with our DIY kits to cleanup their community
  3. Public Cleanups – Organising real treasure hunts in polluted environments
  4. Book Donations – Storytelling events where children receive their CFP book

Captain Fanplastic has a Big Hairy Audacious Pirate Goal to reach 1 000 000 learners with environmental education by 2030.

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