Biopressed and Compostable Packaging from natural waste - A peel is the fundamental packaging of life and there is where we want to return.

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Long description

CASCARA TECH’s mission is to emulate the principles of natural peels in single-use packaging, producing short-life products that are friendly to the planet. Its focus is on reducing the environmental impact of disposable packaging, promoting a new materiality for packaging that improves its impact without compromising its functionality.

Through different techniques and processes, we seek to replace single-use plastic packaging with packaging made from natural fibers such as coconut fiber, jute, sugar cane bagasse, and other biocomposites.

The project we present here is a packaging for a drink called mezcal, an ancient Mexican drink. The materials used for these biopresses were coconut fiber waste, agave and natural glues.

With our design and concept, hand in hand with farmers and using natural waste from local products, this packaging results in a highly functional, aesthetically beautiful design, which behind it has a positive impact on its local community and its culture.

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