Circulr operates the physical and digital system to make the reuse of grocery CPG packaging possible.

Long description

We manage the collection, washing, and redistribution of reusable packaging, mostly glass jars, for shelf-stable grocery goods like peanut butter, soups, pickles, and many others. We offer our services to companies with pre-existing reusable packaging and help companies in non-reusable packaging switch to a reusable format

Our system works by first partnering with local retailers and grocers who host a Circulr collection bin. Consumers can drop off any Circulr-enabled packaging to any bin in our collection network and then use the Circulr mobile app to reclaim their deposit money. Circulr regularly collects from these bins and brings all of the packaging to our facility, where it is then washed and sanitized before being shipped back to food processors who refill the packaging and start the process over again. Through customer use of the mobile app, Circulr also collects highly valuable marketing metadata.

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