Transformative Co-Design/Production movement empowering positive social and environamental change through STEAM and Design.
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SMASHfestUK is a creative collective, a transformative movement and a medium for inclusive activism for Climate and general STEM, Arts and Design informal education provision. Through bespoke co-design and co-production programmes, SMASHfestUK works in and with minoritised communities to develop new models and frameworks for collaborative creation of physical and digital ‘products’, interactives, events, shows, experiences, systems, interventions, education curricula and near-peer mentoring
Our current ongoing projects include BES ‘Encounters’, Salesforce Future Designers, SMASH Graduate training, and Climate Crisis – WILDFIRE! and FLOOD! – Real climate science, social science and engineering in compelling immersive hyperlocal story games (‘Serious Gaming’) with hybrid digital/live in character problem solving and complex decision-making by public participants.
Everything is Co-designed and Co-produced ‘in the community, with the community, by the community’.
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