Cycleau is a compact, low-cost water reuse system designed to retrofit into buildings to treat greywater to drinking water.

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To mitigate global challenges of water scarcity and contamination, Cycleau is a compact water reuse system that can be retrofitted under sinks, showers, and laundry units to treat greywater to drinking water. Greywater is processed using four stages of filtration, disinfection, and heat recovery to treat over 200 contaminants. When installed in buildings, Cycleau can reduce building water footprints by up to 80% while reducing the energy footprint of building water utilities by 34%. Our patent-pending technology utilizes a four-stage wastewater treatment system involving sediment filtration, membrane filtration, UV irradiation, and drain water heat recovery within a compact enclosure measuring one foot by one foot by two feet. When compared to conventional greywater reuse systems, Cycleau reduces installation costs by up to 93% and maintenance costs by up to 80%. Our solution is priced at $350 per unit, with annual maintenance costs ranging from $50 – $100 for filter replacement.

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