Ecomosaics, turning over-packaging problems into a solution promoting sustainability, urban biodiversity and mitigating climate change.
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Ecomosaics repurpose the packaging waste materials into habitats for keystone & endangered species to build up green corners next to stores across the city and eventually link up to green corridors, revitalising sustainability, urban biodiversity and reimagining a shared more-than-human planet. Over packaging has caused a significant amount of municipal solid waste with a creation of over 80 million tons of waste packaging materials yearly. Packaging from Apple products and Coca Cola cans are good examples to employ our business. Apple used 632 metric tons of fibre in total for packaging in 2022. Approximately 370 billion cans are produced yearly with 96.8g carbon footprint each. Our business could help revitalising this significant amount of packaging produced and promote urban biodiversity. We focus on keystone species since they have a significant role in maintaining healthy ecosystem, balancing local nutrients and resources, having a disproportional large impact on local environment and ecosystem.
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