Shifting industry paradigms by developing growable and compostable electronics from bacteria that naturally produce electrical proteins

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At Electric Skin we think Our Electronic Future is Grown – Not Extracted.

As the world increasingly adopts clean technologies and IoT solutions, the demand for critical minerals is skyrocketing. This leads to increased mining activities and environmental degradation. On top of this, the proliferation of electronic devices contributes significantly to the mounting piles of e-waste.

Our approach is to re-imagine this paradigm. What if we could cultivate our electronics? At Electric Skin, we are pioneering the use of bacteria that naturally produce electrical proteins. This breakthrough serves as a platform technology applicable to both energy production and electronics.

Drawing inspiration from nature’s design principles, our technology harnesses these proteins and integrates them into algae-based biomaterials. Through this process, we craft compostable electronics at scale, leveraging renewable resources. We are currently developing sensors that will be growable and compostable. In the future, we imagine crafting entire phones, or coating entire buildings with Electric Skin.

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