Reimagining Rural lifestyle and reducing the rural- urban cultural gap

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As a matter of fact, common is people will migrate more from rural to urban areas. As a designer I sat back and imagined the problems, the causes and empathized with the migrants. Anomaly, I seemed to fit in quite well upcountry but Poverty, need for better education, wrong perception of urban fast fun life, lack of availability for basic things, services are among the many reasons especially the young folks strive to get out. I questioned,

-what would make people comfortable upcountry?

-how would the people appreciate their very origin

I decided to rethink, reimagine and redesign the lifestyle. Starting with my own and friends around me, I came up with


Discovering fun in the Village.
This is a brand set to create a fun life upcountry through music and art, festivals and community events that shape up the mindset of people in my rural area.


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