transforming none avoidable end of life clothing that would end up in dumpsite into next generation carbon negative housing product

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fa-Brick-it absorbs all end of life clothing an recycle them into an innovative acoustic and thermal insulator bricks used in housing sector .by doing these we are able to prevent hundreds of tonnes of clothing from reaching dumpsite fire or water pollution and create jobs to micro entreprenuers who does slum and rural aggregation for us . our final product ( clothe based sustainable building bricks and panels) is a safe alternative to polluting and energy intensive material used in construction industry. with us dealing with end of life clothe we take what no one need.

Our boards are infused by long term insect repellants to ensure the build house is not only decent and affordable but also disease safe .

The resultant boards and panel are fire retardants, custom to size and colour and are infused with fluoresce material that reflects little lights making them fuctionally ideal from Africa rural and slum areas as structural and functional element of the building .

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