Freshpack uses smart fabric to preserve vegetables, reducing waste and empowering Tanzanian women in agriculture.

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Freshpack is a pioneering solution combatting post-harvest vegetable loss in Tanzania. It employs patented smart fabric technology, drawing inspiration from the human body’s cooling system, to extend the shelf life of vegetables. With 40% of vegetables wasted annually, Freshpack aims to significantly reduce this figure, thereby minimizing economic losses for vegetable vendors—especially women—and mitigating environmental degradation. Our cost-effective and portable design requires no electricity or ice, ensuring accessibility and suitability for Tanzania’s unique market. Through rigorous testing and collaboration with local vegetable sellers, we’ve confirmed the need and demand for Freshpack. With partnerships with horticultural associations underway and a comprehensive business model covering both B2B and B2C markets, Freshpack is poised to catalyze a transformative impact on sustainable food preservation. This aligns with Sustainable Development Goals such as Zero Hunger, Responsible Consumption and Production, and Climate Action.

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