Collaborate to create and disseminate a kit of parts for informal settlements supporting regenerative development and design.

Long description

We will pass 1.5 degrees of warming. Climate and geopolitics will create mass displacement. Over half of all urbanization happens informally. The neoliberal state – responsible for this chaos – will not provide resources for the infrastructure and housing of these populations. We will need to build it ourselves.

This project’s goal is to create the Informal Regeneration Palette, a kit-of-parts project seeking to infuse informal settlement with regenerative development and design principles. Regeneration seeks “living systems evolution” whereby relationships between living and non-living community members give and take within a complex web of nodes and flows. Each “swatch” in the palette will graphically represent a design strategy, technique, or principle regarding transportation, water, structures, and public spaces. Each swatch will be printed and distributed to the community, including a QR code to a wiki that links communities across the globe.

Partnerships and methodologies are critical to success.

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