A drinking fountain that seeks to eliminate plastic bottles to close the water cycle
Long description
“Los Colados” is a series of sinks designed in collaboration with Muebles de Concreto and PURA whose concept stems from a personal concern regarding rapid production and non-recirculating processes, prompting a constant reconsideration of plastic waste reuse. The material composing this piece comprises remnants of refrigerators, plastic bottles, plates, and computer casings, envisioned as transformative. We collected phone chips and bottle fragments, ingeniously blending these crushed plastic items with concrete reducing the quantity of plastic waste and providing an alternative to extractive materials.
The filter included in this piece uses 1.3l of water to produce 1 liter of drinking water, there is 30% rejection. If you buy a bottle of bottled water, 5.5 liters of water were used to produce that liter of water. This drinking fountain seeks to eliminate plastic bottles to close the water cycle, it uses plastic to reduces plastic.
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