We don't really eat, breathe, and drink microplastics everyday, do we? What does this microplastic even look like?

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What does microplastic taste like?

How do we understand our consumer behaviour and are we concerned about ingesting consumer plastic through food? How might we visualise this, and what can we change / make / do to address our concerns.

With the hands-on engagement activity of making instruments (Open Science Hardware) in a collaborative and DIWO way, the intention is to frame meaningful observations through the instruments we’ve co-created.

Digital fabrication and accessibilty of open source designs and online communities present a unique opportunity to introduce a more tangible and practical approach to the complexities of microplastics related issues and concerns.

Designed as a series of social interactions in an environment that allows for rapid prototyping: a community makerspace is the ideal environment to hold space for this exploration.

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