A piece of furniture that slows clothing waste by visualizing garment collections as living systems.

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This unique wardrobe was born out of a need for more flexible garment storage solutions. The system is made up of an assortment of storage “modules,” allowing the user to build the ideal setup for their collection. The largest modules, the frames, connect together using uniquely designed hinges. The user can make their setup as large or small as they like, even using a single frame by leaning it against a wall. Dowels act as rails for hangers and support other modules. Hammocks store smaller or rolled items. Bungee cords hold small or uniquely shaped items like underwear, hats, or accessories.

Everything in the system can be assembled without tools. The dowels simply slide into the frame while other modules use custom bungee joinery.

The wardrobe allows the user to store their clothes in a central location, allowing for the development of a practice of curation.

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