A new way to refrigerate naturally through the use of bio-nanotechnology

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NanoFreeze creates integrated solutions for refrigerated transport and active refrigeration systems through the use of a novel bio-nanotechnology which allows natural refrigeration, reducing by 50% the carbon footprint of the refrigeration industry. NanoFreeze’s bionanotechnology is manufactured through the process of functionalizing proteins into different nanometric particles. With this bionanotechnology it is possible to freeze water above 2ºC, and at the same time double the heat capacity of water, from 4.1 kJ/Kg to 8.3 kJ/Kg, creating an ice/solid that can cool from 2ºC to 8º during 200 hours, and that besides cooling, it is a coolant that can insulate because of its low thermal conductivity of 0.03 w/m·K. The way in which NanoFreeze sells this technology to the market is refrigerant products such as Ice Packs, Coolers, and Panels.

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