Ngeli Bee is an initiative dedicated to redesign the bee products with a focus of supporting farmers.

Long description

NgeliBee embarks on a journey of beekeeping excellence, beginning with the establishment of our own hives. Through continuous learning and refinement of beekeeping practices, we ensure the production of premium-quality honey. We subsequently value add the honey and get beeswax, Lemon-ginger infused honey and granola. We then utilize our youthful energy, to innovate eco-conscious packaging solutions that are aesthetically pleasing. Our commitment extends beyond our own endeavors as we partner with local farmers in Eastern Kenya. Together, we share resources, skills, and market access, fostering both social and economic empowerment within the community. Our vision and approach is not only to redesign organic bee products but also to cultivate a sustainable impact at the intersection of agriculture, innovation and community development.

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