A vision of territory development addressing sustainable ways of living and moving, and notions of cultural landscape and land-use diversity.

Long description

In Puebla 2050 we assess the development history and speculate a prospective future of a Mexican city stuck in a long cycle of high hopes and disappointments. Home to the longest standing human settlement in the Americas, to the most separatist of the Spanish colonial cities, and an early champion of industry, Puebla today staggers undecidedly between its ‘mestizo’ traditions and the globalizing pull of science, technology and innovation. As a team of architects working under the looming presence of Popocatépetl, the feared and revered volcano, we strive to balance the opposite impulses of memory and invention in an urban and rural design plan addressing the city’s uneven growth patterns, diversifying its modes of mobility and offering spatial design solutions to an array of environments that characterize its sprawl.

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