Crafted from ancestral brazilian wisdom, this project offers biodegradable packaging, promoting reforestation and sparing natural resources.

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In the pursuit of reducing widespread plastic usage, “Raízes” emerged from the fusion of ancestral wisdom and indigenous Brazilian insights into harmonious coexistence with nature. Crafted solely from organic materials, this packaging offers the potential for biodegradation in ecological settings, with a lifespan of three years and seed inclusion for reforestation. The challenge of removing plastic from shampoo, conditioner, and soap packaging at a Pantanal lodge inspired the creation of a reusable and biodegradable alternative, a Regenerative Design strategy. Exploring options like natural latex, annatto and some seeds, traditional and contemporary techniques were melded, with materials hand-prepared and molds digitally fabricated. This prior experience who was driven by real demand, expanded to include numerous other Brazilian species in experimentation.

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