Reframing the way we interact with water, our most valuable resource

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Introducing “The Coastal Living Machine,” a groundbreaking project in Golfito, Costa Rica: A fisherman town that is currently dealing with environmental and social risk due to water pollution.

We are working with innovative architecture and sustainability to change the traditional process of waste water treatment that is compromising future generations.  Our proposal consist in creating a Biological corridor that can held human activites and has the power to purify waste water naturally and enhance the natural landscape  by using bio-digesters as “living machines,”  Our project is designed to seize the natural resources like rain, fog, solar energy and winds directions to boost nature’s process of self healing in a controlled and safe space.   

Our proposal also empowers a circular economy by integrating local fishing, agriculture, and tourism in the project showing how design can address environmental and social challenges, offering a blueprint for a sustainable future

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