An exhibition to reflect on one of the most underestimated consequences of climate crisis: the extinction of foods.

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The Museum of Endangered Foods is an exhibition to reflect on one of the most underestimated consequences of climate crisis: the extinction of foods. When the word “endangered” crosses our minds, we exclusively think about animals: pandas, rhinos, whales… but other life forms such as plants, and specifically domesticated and edible plants that we consider foods, are also on the verge of extinction.

The causes are manyfold: from excruciating, rising temperatures to fresh-water scarcity, extreme and irregular weather patterns, habitat loss and deforestation, or pollution and heightened vulnerability to plagues. Some of these ingredients are avocados, cacao and wine, but others are some of the most basic foods, like potatoes, chickpeas or coffee.

This exhibition aims to put the focus on the ecological vulnerabilities threatening each of these foods in the hope that food will be a more palpable and approachable take on climate crisis.

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