How does the ideal 10ha of productive landscape looks like?

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This new design research project explores the concept of an ideal 10-hectare productive landscape. By engaging diverse stakeholders, including water authorities, ecologists, farmers, consumers, municipalities, pioneers, and investors, we aim to gather and interpret their visions of the ideal agricultural landscape. These diverse perspectives will be synthesized into a physical model, from which we will develop 3 scenarios for aligning these visions towards a unified, actionable perspective.

The project envisions a shift from conventional farming to a regenerative model that serves both local and global needs. This entails diversifying agricultural practices, such as intercropping, biodynamics, and food forests, while considering their scalability and benefits. Beyond food production, we will explore how these landscapes can serve multifaceted purposes, from water management and energy generation to livestock and community engagement, fostering a resilient and interconnected urban-rural environment.

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