The Soothing Cup imagines the future of menstruation by creating a ritual of symbiosis between menstruators and their menstrual cups.

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The vaginal microbiome is crucial for preventing infections and alleviating menstrual symptoms like dysmenorrhea. However, current menstrual hygiene products and pain relief medications disrupt this balance, contributing to environmental degradation and perpetuating a stigma around menstruation fueled by patriarchal and capitalist culture. The Soothing Cup proposes a speculative future where a living menstrual cup fosters a symbiotic relationship with the vaginal environment, reducing reliance on chemical interventions. By cultivating anti-inflammatory bacteria in an incubator acting as a surrogate vagina, users engage in a monthly ritual that challenges societal taboos and fosters intimacy with their bodies. This innovative approach aims to decrease reliance on single-use products and promote biocompatible material choices and customizable fabrication methods. By increasing awareness of menstrual health, the Soothing Cup advocates for gender equality and destigmatization of menstruation.

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