The Transdisciplinary Living Lab, a co-creation space for innovation on the skills, knowledge and wisdom needed for future generations.
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To facilitate sustainable development for future generations, inclusion and participation of all humans is essential. Inclusive decision making taking into account the voices of all to have discernment of the wellbeing of all life on earth. Elements are Sociocracy, Kincentrism, Nonviolent Communication, Inner Development Goals, Post Growth Entrepreneurship and the Doughnut Economy. Sociocracy is a governance process method that includes the voices of all. Kincentrism takes into account the more-than-human world. Nonviolent communication focuses on language and communication that strengthen our skills to remain human under challenging circumstances. The Inner Development Goals provides a skills framework supporting the SDGs. Post Growth Entrepreneurship facilitates building non-financially extractive businesses, which give back to society. The Doughnut Economy envelops business design within planetary boundaries. The Transdisciplinary Living Lab is where business meets government meets academic meets social entrepreneurs meets citizens to co-create sustainable solutions for future generations.
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