Tributaries is an open access submission-based directory empowering water-focused researchers across all domains while facilitating global connections
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Initiated in 2023, Tributaries is an open-access, collective, and submission-based directory. It aims at creating a digital platform for researchers, practitioners, advocates, groups, projects, programs, and centres advancing research about all-things-water. Tributaries wants to provide a basis for applied and theoretical research on the subject of water in its material and immaterial aspects. Positioning spatial subjects as Architecture, Urbanism, and Landscape Architecture as vantage perspectives, the idea is to understand how researchers in these and other fields have interpreted, studied, and experienced water bodies. The systematised list allows for the weaving of networks and ensures contamination of thought and practice in different contexts and territories. Tributaries overcomes geographical, political, and economic separations when it comes to water and catalyses sharing and cooperation. It aligns with the hybridisation process redefining academic architecture curricula worldwide. Tributaries contributes to fulfilling the need for collaborative survival practices in these precarious times by making kins.
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